A song, an animal, a language and a culture

Aq Bure “Ак Бүре”, is Tatar Folk Metal band which was established by 5 musicians in Feb, 2013. With the description in their Face book account:

“Ак Бүре” or Aq Bure is a folk musical band performing in folk metal style combining exceptionally spiritual polished by centuries kryashen and light playful Tatar tunes with power and force of Metal sounding.”

“Aq Bure” means “White Wolf.” Due to the Wolf is being the head Turkish mythological animal, (so Turks symbol) in almost all Turkish republics in Central Asia, so in the following countries:
Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Republic of Dagestan, Bashkortostan, Republic of Tatarstan, Republic of Azerbaijan, Tuvan People’s Republic, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Altai Republic, Karachay-Balkar, Gagauzia, Khakassia, Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, Chuvash Republic, Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, Karachay-Cherkess Republic and Republic of Turkei, it can be found many works about Wolf. Even, the meaning of Bashkortostan which is one of these countries is the right wolves.

For example, Bamsı Beyrek who is the best-known hero of Turkish mythology, is “Kam Bure Bey”’s son.
Kam is the name which is given the head Shaman in Turk nations. He can be bad or good.
Bure means wolf
Bey means lord

Besides, the upper writing that is at the picture of wolf-headed man on the song’s video, is Gok/Kok Turkish/Göktürkçe which is the oldest written Turkish language. Göktürk alphabet, with the other name Orkhon alphabet has been used for this writing. This language had been also used Orkhon Inscriptions and Yenisei inscriptions. Göktürkçe is the first written language of Turkey and it is considered as the main Turkish language. Runic alphabet is used. Archaeologists who worked in the area at the end of 1800’s, when they saw the first of this writing, they had thought that this should be Scandinavian runic alphabet. But it was not. And now there is something amazing but true that, old runic Finnish language and Göktürkçe are two written languages the closest to each other.

There are 3 Orkhon inscriptions. These three were made for the Khagan Kul Tigin and his brother Bilge Khagan and head deputy Tonyukuk of East Göktürk dynasty. These three stones are called “bengü taşlar” so “eternal stone” in the texts of the stones. It was named for wish to remain until eternity. Each one has four faces and approximately 3.5-4 meters in length; there is writing on every face. They have been erected between the years 716-732. The writing above has been quoted from Tonyukuk inscription. (***)

The meaning of Göktürk that was given the name to Göktürk Khanate (552-744), is SkyTurk. And the flag of the Göktürk Khanate consists on a blue background with water green color wolf head.

In addition, todays at rally or meetings of Turkish nationalists make a hand sign that was given the name wolf sign. In fact, it is often mixed with Devil horns. 🙂

(While Turkish nationalists party MHP’s leader Devlet Bahceli makes this sign at party meeting at this photo)

Even in 2009 at Unirock Festival, Istanbul, two person who were join this festival, have make devil horn when Tayyip Erdogan’s convoy has passed on the road and then they were taken to the police station for questioning. They came up before the judge with charge of disrespect to statesman. Most likely, the body guards of the Prime Minister R. Tayyip Erdogan, they perceived this sign as wolf sign of the Turkish nationalist MHP party. After then these two people have been released, they had made the following statement:
“We said to the police that we are Metal music fan. When the police officers heard our words, they made us listen to Pop music” 🙂 (*)

This photo is from Iran. A football match of Traxtor football team which has nicknamed Red Wolves in the city of Tabriz. 25 million Turks living in Iran. And every match of this team for them, a struggle for existence. As you can see, the fans are making the wolf sign. (**)

Let’s turn back to the band “Aq Bure”

Their song which I shared here is a very old Kazan Tatar folk song adaptation. I could not find the original. But, there is one that has broadcasted a program in Tatarstan state television, even if not original, it is the most closer on the web. It also follows.

First: The song lyrics in Tatar language, as follows:
Сандугачлар ияләшкән
Су эчәргә миләштән.
Кайгыларым бетәр иде
Сине күреп сөйләшсәм.

Эх, тала, тала, тала,
Тала ике беләгем.
Нигә тала, нигә яна
Нигә яна йөрәгем?

Агыйлделгә басма салдым
Каенын сайлап кына.
Яннарына барыр идем
Кош булып сайрап кына.

Эх, тала, тала, тала,
Тала ике беләгем.
Нигә тала, нигә яна
Нигә яна йөрәгем?

Агыйделкәйне кичкәндә
Җырлыйм ишкәк ишкәндә.
Өзелә үзәк, яна йөрәк
Җаныем искә төшкәндә.

Эх, тала, тала, тала,
Тала ике беләгем.
Нигә тала, нигә яна
Нигә яна йөрәгем?

Агыйдел суы тирбәлә
Уртасында сал булса.
Суга салсаң, калкып чыгар,
Безгә насыйп яр булса

Эх, тала, тала, тала,
Тала ике беләгем.
Нигә тала, нигә яна
Нигә яна йөрәгем?

Second: It is reading like that:

Sanduğaçlar iäläşkän
Su eçärgä miläştän,
Sağınuların betär ide,
Sineñ belän söyläşsäm.

İh, tala, tala, tala,
Tala ike belägem:
Nigä tala, nigä yana
Nige yana yörägem?

Ağidelgä basma saldım,
Qayının saylap qına,
Yannarıña barır idem
Qoş bulıp sayrap qına.

İh, tala, tala, tala,
Tala ike belägem:
Nigä tala, nigä yana
Nige yana yörägem?

Ağidelkäyne kiçkändä
Cırlím işkäk işkändä,
Özelä üzäk, yana yöräk,
Can iäm iskä töşkändä.

İh, tala, tala, tala,
Tala ike belägem
Nigä tala, nigä yana
Nige yana yörägem?

Ağidel suı tirbälä,
Urtasında sal bulsa.
Suğa salsañ, qalqıp çığa,
Bezgä nasíp yar bulsa!

İh, tala, tala, tala,
Tala ike belägem
Nigä tala, nigä yana
Nige yana yörägem?

The first part looks like Russian, but it is not:) The second part looks like Turkish, but it is not:) Both of them are Tatar language.

If someone who knows the Turkish, has a good ear can solve meanings of these words. Even if this person couldn’t understand in written form with a population of about 250 million at Central Asia Turk nations and Turkmen at Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, he/she can easily understand what they said. If we think the average population of Turk origin people is approximately 350 million (included Republic of Turkey) on this planet; this is really easy way to communication 🙂 Because, the words meanings and sounds are the same parallels in the 20 Turkish republics that I mentioned at the first, and the others. For example, the name of this song:

With Tatar language: “Nige yana yörägem?”
With Turkish in Republic of Turkey: “Niye yanar yüreğim?”
With Azerbaijani: “səbəb yanar ürəyim?”

And here it’s English translation 🙂
With English: “why my heart hurts?”

(*) http://www.milliyet.com.tr/Siyaset/HaberDetay.aspx?aType=HaberDetay&KategoriID=4&ArticleID=1121281&Date=25.07.2009&b=Konvoya+metalci+selami+verince+sorgulandilar



“Aq bure” photo was taken from band face book account:

14 thoughts on “A song, an animal, a language and a culture

    • I see, I guess, my writing was not clear, it seems pointless, complex lengthy article right now:). I wish I could put only Aq Bure’s song, maybe it would be better.

      Already WD and I made a talk. I said to WD:
      “My English is getting worse day by day. I guess, I’m forgetting”
      WD answered:
      “Interesting; I guess I forgot also the times when you remembered English”

      And yes, good guitars performance;)

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hhaha, In Turkish it would have been “Sen harika bir uzaylısın dostum,” :)) And thank you so much for these words!:)
      And WD has a message for you it says that:
      “I do not like too much NFR because of he didn’t give me a vote for my kingdom. But I am kind-hearted dog. This Migo is an alien you know, don’t care Migo. I do not want to see you a bad side when its friends will come to invasion our planet! Open your eyes dude! Don’t be naif!”

      Liked by 1 person

      • “NFR, they will drink of our bloods! Haven’t you watched the Tom Cruise’s movie “War of the worlds”! They will feed with us! Oh my the god of bones! you see my position, I am dealing with!”

        It has left. Actually maybe I really let my friends know, and they should come. Maybe at that time, when it will see their harmless, WD will stop to talk, my Earthling friend:) But I guess, when that time it will surely find a subject for complain again:))

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Wow, very interesting! I’m glad you mention Tuvan Republic because it reminds me of the movie Genghis Blues: a great, great music documentary. This is fascinating about the connection to Finnish language. I know some about Finno-Urgic language classification. I’m not sure, but maybe Hungarian is related to Finnish? I always get confused with Basque language because no one knows where that came from even though it is Indo-European. Maybe it is extraterrestrial? Thank you for your post, my friend! –Paul

    P.S. Be careful with the wolf symbol of they make you listen to pop music 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes really a great documentary. I wanted to watch it two times, but on the my first try, in the 17th minute of documentary, I had to leave to watch. The second time, it was the same thing again at 35th minute. And I’ve failed in both. But I’ll try again as soon as possible. And you’re right that Tuvan people are amazing. They do have very natural and unbroken tradition life, I think the others are not like them.

      I know the language classes as follows:
      Hungarian is a language from the Finno-Ugric language group.
      Finno-Urgic = Northern European countries
      Samoyedic languages = Northern Siberia
      Samoyedic+ Finno-Ugric = Ural language class
      Turkish is from Altaic language classes.
      Ural+ Altaic= Ural Altaic class

      I guess, Hungarian and Turkish are distant relative 🙂

      Also, Hungary is only country which has been continuous intertwined with Turks, starting from pro-Oghuz Turk raids at history on Europe. I heard that there are more than 2000 Turkish words in Hungarian. But I do not know Hungarian 🙂

      As for the Basque language, I know that I read in an article merely. According to article, Basque people are quite likely to be one of the Caucasian people. As follows.

      Circassian(one of the Caucasian peoples) and Basque are very similar in food culture, had been said in article.
      The author of the article had written that he saw all the kitchen utensils(table included) which belong to Basque culture in the ethnographic museum in Bilbao are the same in Adygea museum (western Circassians, the Republic of Adygea). I do not know the Basque language, but if the people’s food culture on this planet is one-to-one in the same, they probably share the same origin 😉

      Also if they were aliens, it would be in my data base:)

      I love wolves as same as the other animals (except cats, yes I wrote this with the force of WD). I love Metal music, you know. I am an extraterrestrial that has socialist spirit, you know too. Upps, it is very bad situation! I’ve realized now!

      Thank you for warning, my dear Earthling friend:)

      Liked by 1 person

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