Global flattery: When the money talks, the truth is silent

When the people burn each other, racism is being increased, people are becoming poorer, dictators are more strengthened, millions of people were forced to flee own countries, what are the politicians of so-called civilized world doing? All of them are slave of the global capitalist capital and all are part of this flattery game.

Of course the main subject is oil-money relationship over politicians. Last days it appears thoroughly that they do not have limits their hypocrisy. When the Saudi king died, they have been lightening with the power of money one more time. They were trying to hide the truth, but they had always good relations with the Saudi king. As if they have very bad relations with Saudi dynasty earlier, why did they make statements by seeing this as an opportunity? Saudi Arabia’s dark, rotten fundamentalist dictatorship was not a matter, somehow. The most important thing is money for politicians; it has been always like that. Maybe, we need to open a parenthesis.

The politicians think like this way, but what do the public think? Of course, policy makers are moving by the public conscience of their countries. For example, I wonder, how many people thought that supporting of ordinary citizens of Saudi Arabia when seeing their pressure under the regime. Or how many people chose to insult with saying “they are Arabs, they are living always like this,”. This way of thinking was strengthened the hands of politicians? -To see each Russian as enemy, to see each German as Nazi, to see each American as war propagandist, to see each British as pro-imperialism or etc.- All of them are wrong, then…

Anyway, this is another topic subject; let’s go back to our topic, so politicians’ flattery.

US and UK, after September 11, the Gulf petro-dollars of capital have put limits on buying large in these countries, Saudi-based financial investment agreements overturned. After a few years with major global crisis, the US, UK and EU-based financial capital, began to erode the doors of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf for financial capital large-scale investment to finance, and recovery funds. At the first time a British prime minister, together BP and the delegation is the largest monopoly bosses like Rolls Royce, visits were made to Saudi Arabia and other petro-dollars sheikhdoms with saying “Make invest to us”, “contribute to global companies and banks our rescue fund”, “Please support the IMF fund”.

With global monopoly capitalism deepening crisis, 2 trillion dollars of finding funds of Golf flowed to the banks and stock markets. According to one account, investment and partnership of the financial capital of Golf reached $ 1.5 trillion in UK and EU.

Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, the world’s largest financial capital groups such as Merrill Lynch, has been rescued with billions of dollars of Saudi-Gulf financial capital to common stock purchase. London Stock Exchange can stand with the billion dollars of investment funds of Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Petro-dollar capital is big shareholders of numerous global banks from Citigroup to Deutsche Bank, food sector like Starbuck, insurance, real estate, stock market, energy, automotive, weapons, retail, tourism, health monopoly. In addition, it is the largest sponsor of the club like Arsenal, Manchester City, Paris Saint Germain, Barcelona, Milan, Hamburg.

Foreign investments of Qatar have been occurred $ 45 billion investment in London, totaled $ 30 billion to Paris for last five years.
The most important global agreements of Qatar are buying share of Harrods with payment $ 2,3 billion, buying Shell’s %3 share with payment $ 11 billion, buying %5 Siemens share with payment $ 5 billion, to buy $ 2,4 billion Deutsche Bank shares. And plus, $ 1,3 billion investment to the HSBC Bank Tower, $ 1,5 billion investment to the Shard London. Qatar has invested millions of dollars in strategic areas in China, Turkey, Indonesia, Spain, Hong Kong and Switzerland also.

By the way, let’s look the world oil market with OECD countries

According to preliminary data, the fact is that OECD countries have increased refining, crude oil inventories, and stocks of petroleum products for the last five years, starting in August 2010.

OPEC oil production in December 2014 has increased from 30.48 mb/d to 80 kb/d. This growth in supply is the highest level in the last 35 years to reimburse the loss of supplies from Libya in connection with the escalation of and Iraq armed conflict. A top oil producer Saudi Arabia has kept unchanged production levels.

North America has provided to this growth, offsetting reduction in supplies in other regions. Latin America fell significant volumes of deliveries (150 kb/d), supply from countries. Russian oil production has fallen by about 140 kb/d year on year.

Oil production in Libya was reduced by 250 kb/d, which is the most significant reduction when compared to months for more than a year. The reason of this, the attack to vital oil export terminals in the country. In this month(december 2014), Iraq has showed record levels of exports from the southern terminals and is also very high levels from the northern terminal as a result of achieving the export deal between Baghdad and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG).

In the background, preparing a new round of diplomatic negotiations on the nuclear program with the participation of Iran in late June, it has entered into a long-term agreement that allows to reverse tough economic sanctions imposed on Iran by the US and EU. Until then, it remains in effect partial lifting of sanctions under preliminary agreements reached in November 2013. As part of the agreement, Iran can not export more than 1 mb/d of crude oil. During 2014 the supply of Iranian crude oil, measured from importers, about 90 kb / d exceeded the limit and were approximately 70 kb / d higher than last year.

Oil production in Kuwait has not decrease due to the prolonged stoppage of oil production at the field Khafji, with a joint venture with Saudi Arabia in the neutral zone did not demonstrate a significant change in the comparison by month and in December amounted to 2.77 mb / d. Similar trends were observed for Qatar. Oil production has increased by 50 kb/d year on month to 2.76 mb/d.

In West Africa: Nigeria’s oil production fell from 50 kb/d to 1.87 mb/d in connection with maintenance and supply disruption for a number of export destinations. Overall in 2014, Nigeria has reduced the supply of 50 kb/d to an average of 1.91 mb/d, Angola reduced deliveries from 60 kb/d to 1.66 mb/d.

I do not understand the statistics. But it appears that the direction of increasing or decreasing of oil and money. The real winners are obvious as result of the wars. As long as the politicians’ flatteries continue, this craziness will continue.

The quotes from:

ISIS is America’s Dream Rebel Army

ISIS is America’s Dream Rebel Army
US policy paper reveals desire for construction of full-scale extraterritorial army to invade Syria

written by Tony Cartalucci

US policy paper reveals desire for construction of full-scale extraterritorial army to invade Syria. Such an army is being built in Iraq and Turkey and it’s called “ISIS.”

The corporate-financier funded and directed policy think tank, the Brookings Institution, has served as one of several prominent forums documenting and disseminating US foreign policy. It would host in part the architects of the so-called “surge” during the nearly decade-spanning US occupation of Iraq, as well as battle plans for waging a covert war against Iran now well under way.

After a considerable preamble assuring readers that the aim of creating a “better Syrian opposition army” would exclude sectarian extremists and result in the same “success” the US had in training the Iraqi army, the document explains:

…building a new Syrian army is best not done in Syria itself. At least not at first. The program would need the time and sanctuary to perform the necessary training, reorganization, sorting and socialization into a new Syrian army without the distractions and pressures of Syria itself. The Saudi offer to provide facilities to train 10,000 Syrian opposition fighters is one of reasonable possibility, although one of Syria’s neighbors would probably be preferable. Jordan already serves as training ground for America’s current training program and it would be an ideal locale to build a real Syrian army. However, Turkey could also conceivably serve that purpose if the Turks were willing.

More tellingly, Pollack’s plan continues by stating (emphasis added):

In addition to being armed, trained and officered like a conventional military, a new Syrian army would also have to be equipped like one. That would mean not just small arms and crew-served weapons, such as the United States and its allies are already providing, but heavy weapons and logistical support. Like the Croats and Bosniaks, a new Syrian army will need the wherewithal to defeat both the regime and the Islamist extremists. That will require tanks, armored personnel carriers, artillery, surface-to-air missiles and the like to match the regime’s own heavy weapons—and so eliminate the firepower imbalance that the regime’s forces have employed to such advantage so far.

ISIS Has Tanks, Missiles, and Aircraft – Everything America’s Dream “Opposition Army” Needs

Removing Pollack’s rhetoric about secular professionals, and inserting “ISIS” reveals Pollack’s paper as the actual already ongoing plan to overrun not only Syria, but pro-Iranian factions in Iraq, and perhaps even Iran itself. ISIS is a massive mercenary army trained and funded abroad by the US with its support laundered via Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, and Turkey, staged along Syria’s borders in both Jordan and Turkey, and acquiring an impressive arsenal just as what is required in Pollack’s plan to enter into and overthrow the government of Syria – minus eradicating extremists of course.

Headlines over the past 3-4 years including, “C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Opposition,” “First Syria rebels armed and trained by CIA ‘on way to battlefield’,” “Arms Airlift to Syria Rebels Expands, With Aid From C.I.A.,” and “Official says CIA-funded weapons have begun to reach Syrian rebels; rebels deny receipt,” reveal precisely how ISIS acquired its vast resources.

Only, ISIS’ Saudi, Qatari, and Jordanian sponsors most definitely do possess the highly trained maintenance crews necessary to keep these weapons in good working order – since these despotic regimes each in turn possess a large number of exactly these weapon systems purchased from the United States itself. If the Saudis in particular, can fund, train, and arm ISIS with small arms and missiles, how difficult would it be to supply them with spare parts and properly trained maintenance crews? Turkey also maintains a number of US weapon systems, and possesses the ability to maintain modern battle tanks if not the M1 specifically – and is already harboring, supplying, and backing ISIS – another inconvenient truth challenging Weiss’ attempts to mislead readers.

In fact, Pollack’s “proposal” appears more like an after-action report. ISIS is the “better Syrian opposition army” the West has sought all along. That is probably why attempts by the US to “fight” ISIS appear half-hearted and why those the US is supposedly “saving” from ISIS see Western intervention as more of a threat than ISIS itself believing it is designed simply to prolong ISIS’ existence in the face of growing and increasingly more formidable indigenous opposition.

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