If the youth raises hand against system like in France

There is another protest group in France, as well as the Yellow Vests. They are high school and college students. They are against the government’s reform plans on new exam system, and they want Macron administration to listen them. In short, it is in this way, but the content is very wide.

To see the existence of freedom of expression is a lower probability than to see a dinosaur on the planet.

On December 6th, during French high school students’ protests, the images of the French police who humiliated the high school students tyrannically, were imprinted on everyone’s memory. Even in the most fascist administrations in history, it has been seen rare that young people were treated in this way. It is said that France is now governed with democracy. The guns with plactic bullets and tear gas that are bought by the public’s paid taxes, are also part of this democracy. This is actually present in almost all democracies around the world. In the definitions of democracy, it is defended that people should have freedom of expression. But somehow to see this kind of freedom which cannot find an existence, is even less than the possibility of seeing dinosaurs on the planet. Of course, the group that wants to express themselves most often is young people inside the human kind. This is a situation that arises from the need more communication rather than because of the difficulty of expression of themselves. The youth in France abided by this rule. Even, at a point where the adults had to stand out in the name of them, they entered a big job such as to get the ropes into their hands.

History of French students protests is older than Marvel cosmic universe

Student movements in the history of the world, far back to the very old dates. In the revolution of 1848, as in many European countries, students in France took part in the revolution movement. And of course 1968.

The “Red May” of 1968 made forever Paris a symbol of youth unrest. Thousands of students from the best universities in France announced an indefinite strike under the slogans “It is forbidden to forbid!”-“Il est interdit d’interdire!” and “Be realistic, demand the impossible.”-“Soyez réalistes, demandez l’impossible”…Their protest inspired millions of people and became the subject of many books, films and songs. Many teachers sympathized with the students, including the famous contemporary philosophers Michel Foucault and Jean-Paul Sartre. Student revolt against bourgeois society and bourgeois morality spread to the neighboring European countries.

The quotes from the article with the title “7 Student Protests Changing the World” by Alexey Alikin

As it turns out, these protests of French students are not the first and have a very old history. It can even be said that these protests are much older than the beginning of Marvel Cosmic Universe (1939). Well, are there any a hero or “villain” and “supervillain” in these youth movements? What do they oppose and what do they want?

I’ve learned after reading dozens of articles, hundreds of documents, and watching thousands of videos for this… (I am kidding.:)) It’s enough to watch one or two videos made with them to understand what they want. In other words, everyone who is not retarded can understand that they want to achieve quality education with the lowest possible price on the equal basis; and of course the subject of the university which will effect their future. Macron government has brought a system that badly affect the majority of young people in the transition to university. France’s new Parcoursup system for university entry is the first thing they don’t want.(*)

“Critics suspect the system increases inequality by introducing greater selectivity and competition. Students not offered a university spot can enter into government training programs for various careers…

“There are a lot of students who are quite anxious and upset,” said Muriel Paletou, president of the Toulouse region’s parents association. “This violence is an expression of that fear, but this reform is also being imposed in a way that’s also violent and very fast.”

Even before the new bac is rolled out, many high school students are upset by the introduction last year of a new college application platform called “Parcoursup,” short for “parcour superieur” or “path to higher education.” The lack of transparency around how Parcoursup works led many to suspect it was introducing even greater selectivity and competition among students who were once guaranteed admission to university if they passed the bac.”

The quotes from the article with the title “Angry students, confused parents protesting Macron’s efforts to reinvent France’s treasured high schools” by Chris O’Brien

They don’t want Jedi education; but of course, if they had it would have been cool

I’ve read an article about the French education minister’s concern in the education system. Quoted from the article dated December 2017 as follows.

“It follows an announcement by Jean-Michel Blanquer, the French education minister, that mobile phones will be banned from next year in primary, junior and middle schools, a pledge that formed part of Emmanuel Macron’s presidential campaign.

Mr Blanque believes that the time children spend staring at screens is a matter of “public health”. “These days, the children don’t play at break time any more. They are just all in front of their smartphones and, from an educational point of view, that’s a problem,” Mr Blanque said to the Local, an English-language publication, this week.”

As you can see, this concern is about the use smartphone/mobile phone of young people. And he describes it as “an educational point of view, that’s a problem,”. Not only young people, but almost every person has these phones in their hands and they can’t keep their eyes off them. This is already a ridiculous situation for all humans. However, while students obviously have a lot of problems, like not being able to get education at first, Jean-Michel Blanquer, the French education minister’s doing is to play to the audience.

dreams and facts1

These young people do not want Jedi education, they want only the right, accessible and equal education for all. Of course it would be cool if they had Jedi training. Give these young people what they want; I’m sure when you give, the use of the smartphone which is a big problem, will be reduced at least half!

Also, if Macron government had been sincere that smartphones were the problem for human health, they would not have announced that their goal is rollout of 5G in 2020. 5G brings the smart meters next to itself. Smart meters will not harm children, young people, adults, even the nature, ie the health of the whole society? But it is okay for you. A few billionaires would put more satellites into space, space would return to the more dumpster, government allowance would give to these billionaires, money would allocate from the budget for them, more tax burden will be on the people’s back for the profit of rich people, the phone manufacturer billionaires would sell new 5G compatible phones. It doesn’t matter the people’s health is jeopardized, next to so many rich get more profit. Let’s you admit, you are hypocrite!

Z generation. (Why did we come to the last letter of the alphabet, will there be no other generation after that?)

However, they think that this generation called Z Generation, because of their navel cords were cut through the internet when they were born, they will swallow and digest whatever they are given about internet technology and on internet. “Already these teens share stories in instagram, they tweet and swear, laughs at videos that goats shout at each other, even they watch the game players instead of playing game, shortly waste their time without thinking.” These are not my thoughts. This is how most managements see Z Generation in general. Well, they all are really like that?

In fact, these researches show differences on the country basis according to social media researches. For example, Z Gen of US and Z Gen in France have not the same internet addiction. But generalizations on this planet, sharp-edges are very common. In more detail, while more than 90% of American Z Generation spend time on the internet, in France this figure is in the 63-65% range. The trend in internet sharing is not the same either between them. I didn’t do these researches. The companies that make these researches are the marketing companies that focus on young people. Their aim is, of course, to identify and direct the tendencies of young people, and in this direction, to make profits that they can manage within the capitalist system.

Are these young people, Z generation, really a marketing tool, so are they handy fools? In the meantime, why Z generation, why did we come to the last letter of the alphabet, will there be no other generation after that, why…? Hundreds of questions in my head.

Anyway. These teens show in a way that they’re not handy fools. If they are, some organizations in the world would not do research on the tendencies of socialism for both Millennials and Z Generation. I’ve thought about that too, of course.:) That’s what I realized: Generation Z was born in the period when the environment was polluted the most and this was done by capitalist companies plainly visible. On the other hand, perhaps they are lovers of animals and nature more than any other generation. In the surveys, a business that is intertwined with nature in the field of expertise/work for which they think in the future, is at a high rate with the work of information technologies. This, of course, is not only because of they are bored very quickly and want a job outside. They want to live in a clean environment, want to breathe.

 by Brazillian cartoonist Andre Luiz

By the way, the condition of your planet is really bad; I should specify that the alarm level is even black. The planet earth with this polluted environment is as important as the Internet for Z Generation. In other words, we can say that, in fact, capitalism could not get the full result as it expected on them.

The continuing process from Homo sapiens to Homo robotus

However, the capitalism tries every way to achieve the goal. Capitalism is a system that makes ordinary people even worse poor, making the rich even richer. Perhaps the protests of these young people and the yellow vests can be compared to the Rebellion of Poor France. However, the definition of poverty is a different color for each country. The price increases especially in 2018 put the laboring French a difficult situation. This difficult situation determines the living conditions of French people. It would not be right to make the same definition in other countries. In other words, the definition of poverty varies according to each country. Capitalism offers you a different type of poverty according to the conditions in each country. It is up to you to choose and like or not.

If you do not accept one of the definitions of poverty, in this time you faced with police forces that the government has grown up with its hand, and their costs paid with your taxes again. These advanced camouflaged and armed police forces seem to have evolved as a new species. This new species, which will be called Homo robotus, has evolved until it reaches this level.


Find 10 differences between two pictures. There is no need 10 differences! At the first a young could talk to the police while laughing and at the second, a teenager is on his knees on the ground with his hands behind his head; in front of him there are 35 police officers I can count. Like a horror empire! In 50 years France has really made a lot of progress on human rights! In the last fifty years, of course, these new police forces, evolving as Homo robotus did not jump over the time by disrupting the rules of evolution. According to wikipedia, in the last 50 years in France 17 riots have been.

The 2006 youth protests in France and 2007–09 university protests in France, signed by the youth. French governments that faced with a revolt about in every 2-3 years in last fifty years developed police forces under their hands. New defense techniques and equipments were prepared for the new century. Their evolution, of course, returned back to protesters as plastic bullets, tear gas, pressure water, and the injuries, even deaths subsequently. Amnesty’s news with the title “Police must end use of excessive force against protesters and high school children in France” dated 14 December 2018 contains the following lines:

“As the clouds of tear gas lift, a clearer picture has emerged which shows police have used excessive force against largely peaceful protesters, journalists and even children,” said Rym Khadhraoui, Amnesty International’s West Europe Researcher.
“Whilst policing demonstrations is a difficult task and some protesters have committed unlawful and violent acts, it is essential that both French law and international human rights law is respected. Police have a duty to maintain public order, and in doing so they may use force only when strictly necessary. If the use of force is unavoidable, it must be done with restraint.”

Official figures show that 1,407 protesters have been injured – 46 of them seriously – since protests began on 17 November. In total, 717 police officers, gendarmes and firefighters also suffered violence. Whilst the authorities, have repeatedly and legitimately condemned acts of violence by protesters, they have failed to express concern over the excessive use of force by the police which must be the subject of an independent, impartial and effective investigation…

Mathieu Barraquier, a teacher in Garges-lès-Gonesse, a Paris suburb, described escalating tensions on 5 December outside the Simone de Beauvoir high school, after a tree was set alight and police started putting on riot gear. Some children started throwing stones and in once instance, a small burning projectile in the direction of the police who were about 30 meters away. “Then, without any reason, I heard a rubber bullet and I saw a student collapse. I ran to him and as he turned his head I saw that his cheek was burst open like a split pomegranate. He had not been throwing stones. He had just been talking with his friends.” The boy was hospitalised for two days.

On 6 December, there were clashes between police and students of Saint-Exupery high school in Mantes-la-Jolie, another suburb of Paris. In all, 163 children, some as young as 13, were arrested, and footage of dozens of high school students forced to kneel with their hands either behind their heads or handcuffed behind their backs went viral.

If you ask whether the police violence still continued or not after this news, yes, of course, is this question a joke? For more details of the violence of the Homo robotus of France government, it is enough to take a look at these two articles.

‘I do not recognize my country’: Yellow Vests who have lost eyes, limbs demand justice from Macron

‘Hits like Tyson’: ‘Flash-Ball’ guns became symbol of police brutality against Yellow Vests

Would Sartre, Hegel or Khayyam play World of Warcraft?

It is now overwhelmingly on the planet, there are limited, even non-freedoms, the hegemony of capitalism, police violence, wars and interventions, a polluted environment. Under these conditions, young people want to step forward and shape their future. It is already the ideal one. The adults should not make judgments without hesitation, while sitting on the chair. Okay, this generation has a lot of shortcomings, but which generation hadn’t? Wouldn’t every new generation always tagged by the previous one? I think the most important problem of this generation is their importance to the visual perceptions. Communication is usually provided on social networks on the internet through photographs or similar visuals between them. So time is short for them; they spend this time for watching, not to read. Visual perception is open to manipulation. Without knowing what is really in the background, a watched video can cause war cries against a person or group who does not deserve at all in the room.

Of course, these young people will look for answers of the same questions over time as same as the adults did before. “Why am I here?” is the first one. Who didn’t ask this question? Many philosophers have tried to find the causes of human and all existences on this planet. But if they had lived today, or if they themselves were Z generation, for example, Hegel, Khayyam or Sartre, would they give the answer to this question via twitter? Or maybe they would become youtubers. Or maybe they would play World of Warcraft. I don’t think Sartre or Khayyam would play WoW, but I think Hegel would have played. He had got that light.;) Even when playing, Hegel could have raised a new idea and said “Virtual reality is rational, and rational is virtual reality,” haha!

As a result, present youth in France will also criticize the next generation. Due to we came to the last letter in the alphabet, probably the next generation will be called something like Version Z2. Of course, nowadays they have a stance against the system and they will have the right to criticize the next generation. While they are taking part in all these struggles, adults have to give up on promises to them with empty words and feel the same fear for the future of human and the planet. Both are already connected with each other. For now, there is no other planet where the human species can live. For that reason, if there is a will in a anywhere, they may be in young people even children, adults need to take their side. In the end, it should be remembered that the future of humans is belong to the youth with free mind and free conscience.

(*)I’ve tried to get in touch with their union to learn exactly what their demands are about 2 months ago. I had thought to make an article about them. Because in the English-speaking world, it is very difficult to find articles about the struggle of French high school students. But, I had to postpone a lot of things, including this article, because of ear infection I had last month. Also yes, the high school students in France have got the union, UNL-SD (Union Nationale Lycéenne – Syndicale et Démocratique), you did not hear wrong, my earthling friends. (By the way, we don’t even have an union, I envy you!) However I do not know French. When I tried to contact with them(union members), probably they didn’t understand what I asked. I only know three of the world’s languages, and all three are half-way I guess; but I can handle in a way as you knew my earthling friends.;) I think they were naturally suspicious of “why an extraterrestrial ask these questions to us” in justified. On this planet I’m an observer for the Galactic Council that these young people have no idea. I hope that after this article, they will realize that I am not here to invade the planet earth and my goal is peaceful. Of course, they can always comment on this blog, they’d like to add something if they want to add or connect with me. Of course not only members of the union, it’s open to everyone who participates in the protests and says “there’s something I want to say.” You all welcome.