Racism, Equal Opportunity, and Capitalism: an intimation of a critique – written by Norm

Quotes from the article :”…So people are racists, xenophobes, and intolerant, and if they are not, then because we very much do live in a world of ‘cultural-isms,’ in a world made up of elites in competition with each other on the basis of the group allegiances that they can muster and command, in a world that often if not always privileges the notion of the group over the individual, people are at the very least most certainly susceptible to being racists, xenophobes, and intolerant zealots. So let us not pretend that things are otherwise than what they are…”
Thank you for sharing us your article my Earthling friend, NP!

Taking Sides

Racism, Equal Opportunity, and Capitalism: an intimation of a critique – written by Norm

Racism, xenophobia, intolerance – it is all around us.

The attitude – for we can speak of a singular attitude, of a single attitudinal posture, regardless of its basis, be that of an imagined racial purity, cultural identity, religious outlook, political orientation, historical national ancestry, and so on and on – rests upon the idea that one belongs by virtue of some kind of essential identity to a group and that the world divides into a multitude of such essential and potentially contending identities.

Ordinary people have no difficulty speaking of themselves as being Catholic or French Canadian or German or European or Jewish, as belonging to this or that group, or even to a variety of overlapping inclusive categories of groups, each conceived in terms of its defining folklore, its customs, its aptitudes, its values…

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